Goodbye 2008. You were a year of hard lessons, unexpected changes, blessings both great and small, rough goings and happy endings. Through it all I had faith, faith and trust that everything would turn out exactly as it was meant to be. As I look back over this year, this life of mine, I can see how it has all unfolded according to a plan. The question, the mystery is: is it my plan or one engineered by a greater force?
I don't know if it is age, experience or the blessing of wisdom, but I can see how a decision here, a move there, a connection made, even something as simple as a smile or "hello", has resulted in the life I am living right now. I can see how my dreams, my goals, my desires have all been met. I understand that they have not always been met in the ways or with the results I have envisioned, but they have been met. I have exactly what I wanted. I am living the life I wanted and created by my actions.
When my goals were specific, I reached them. Where they were hazy, they have become partially fulfilled or are still works in progress. When there was no goal made, no plan, there have been no results. I do believe that you can create the life you want. It requires 2 really hard things: 1) you have to really know what you want; 2) you have to take the steps to make it happen. How many of us really, truly know what we want. It sounds so simple but to really define, with specific detail what you want your life to be is one of the most difficult things to do. And that's why so few of us ever do it. Making those decisions and following through requires discipline, knowing yourself, knowing what really matters to you and wanting it all badly enough to do whatever is required to make it happen. It's the free will I learned about in my Catholic grades school. And now, just now, I understand that it means so much more than just choosing between right and wrong.
My first (and right now, only) goal for 2009 is to decide what I really, really want to happen in 2009 – and to be extremely specific. I know how powerful a goal is. If your goal is a new house, you need to specify where you want it to be, what size, condition, etc, or you just might end up in a ramshakle dump in Nowheresville. If your desire is to travel, write down where, what for, what mode, what syle – otherwise you might end up traveling to Nowheresville for some sad and unexpected reason (and living in that dump). It's true. It's like the Universe says, "You wanted travel? I gave you travel. Oh! You meant glamorous, exotic, luxury travel to Bali…well why didn't you say so?" The Universe is kind of a smart-aleck in that respect.
So let's all start the year off right. Rule #1: BE SPECIFIC in what you desire for 2009. It's your life . Your future is in your hands. This might take a while, but what a great way to start off the rest of your life.
By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it.
The non-existent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired.
Nikos Kazantzakis
Your sentiments about being exactly where you are supposed to be were especially true to my own experience. And I’m pretty sure it is a combination of self-discovery and the engineering of a far greater force. I’m so glad I stumbled upon your blog.
After reading your Lutradur instructions I am anxious to try it. Where can I obtain some? Can I order the book from you or just from Amazon?
Woot Number 5 rocks!
Love the new website too! One little suggestion though. On the “About TAP” information centering the text makes it very difficult to read. I gave up after a few trys. I will go back and try again because I’m very interested in what you have to say ; ) but just thought I’d mention it. Now let’s hit #1!!
congartulations on reaching #5!!!! Thats fantastic. Well done. You have been an inspiration to myself and a number of my friends… all the way here, in a once sunny Johannesburg South Africa…. now cool and wet!!!
I have enjoyed reading your articles in Quilting arts and on your blog. You are a great source of inpiration. Thank you.
Hoping you will make #1 in a very short period of time!!
Good luck!!!
This is a great honor, maybe tomorrow you won’t be #1000 maybe you’ll be #1.
mmmm…. lovely. And I agree. Be specific, thankful, and hopeful.
I think I’d better think hard about what I want this year. This past year I’ve (blessedly) had too much of too many good things – probably as a result of not being quite specific enough in my desires.
Blessings to you and yours!
Thanks for sharing this – I truly need to be specific as well in this new year because of all the things in my life.
I’m going to print this post and read it EVERY day. Thank you.
What a wonderful posting. Thanks for the reminder to be specific and to search within ourselves for what we want.
You are a wise woman and a creative inspiration.
Thanks for that!
that’s why they say, be careful what you ask for….
BEST Wishes for 2009!! See you soon!
Lesley, thank you for sharingwhat I know to be true. My husband & I also downsized and moved in 2008 and I truly believe it all happened so quickly and smoothly because I knew what I wanted, I put it out there to “the universe” and I worked hard to make it happen. If I hadn’t done any one of those 3 things, life would not have come together for me like it did. Thanks for putting it all into such lovely, thoughtful words.
Thank you for the wonderful advice…something I needed to hear today and seriously contemplate.
May your New Year be blessed!
I just found your blog, and it’s great! I love this post! Thanks for the insight and the inspiration!
Your opening lines could have been from my own lips. Such an unpredictable year, full of upheaval, peppered with angels (you being one!) and ultimately happy endings. In all, it has left me tired.
So, My specific goal is to quietly replenish until Spring…and then…well, I’ll join the world again. 🙂
Wishing you a year full of uncountable blessings.
Yes, great advice – thanks so much Lesley. And a very happy 2009 for you and your loved ones.
Wonderful advice!
Thanks Lesley for sharing your thoughts. They have given me lots to think about on this 1st day of 2009. Happy New Year!
You are so right, Lesley. I am reading “The Game of Life and How to Play It” and the author talks about this very thing. You need to say and believe affirmations or you could get the very thing that you don’t want.
You are an amazing person… I learn so much from your blogs.. Thanks for a great 2008.. looking forward to 2009…. Happy New Year…!!!
I loved this and thanks for sharin it with us.
Isn’t it funny how so many of us are actually afraid to be specific? I know I have been; I’ve been afraid to be disappointed, I think. Here’s to specificity in 2009!
This is a much better approach to 2009 than “resolutions”. I copied the quote for my Common Book and I wondered if some of the things that exist in our lives are what we desired even if we say we don’t like them.
Keep ’em coming girl, and Happy New Year!