Some lessons learned when moving:
1. The packing and the moving are easy compared to the unpacking.
2. Setting up a new house isn't just about where to put the furniture.
3. Verizon is just too big and incompetent to install a simple phone jack.
We chose Verizon FIOS as the latest/greatest internet/TV/phone service for the new house, and it IS great as far as the TV and internet go. But to get a simple phone line…well, not so simple. The FIOS tech was supposed to install a jack for my Dad back on August 7th but he didn't have one on the truck, so he said the regular system technician, who was coming to install our office phone the next day, could do it. That guy said he could not touch anything FIOS. Long story short, after spending 52 minutes with 3 different reps on the phone trying to find out where the tech was that didn't show up for the scheduled appointment yesterday, one finally showed up here today (almost unannounced, but I did call to see what the status was, so I knew he was coming). Funny thing is – he didn't know anything about an order to install a jack. He's here to see why we can't receive any incoming calls, a new problem we discovered Monday.
Needless to say, I'm livid, and it takes a LOT to get me (aka the Buddha) livid. And sorry but i have to vent and get it all off my chest. The very nice technician here now is going to try to help solve both problems, only he's in a borrowed truck and doesn't even know if there is a jack on the truck. It's like were back to day 1 again.
So how many days does it take Verizon to install a phone jack? 14 and counting…
Wow! Lesley: At least you have someone with Verizon to escalate the problem. Here where I live. There are four houses and Verizon refuses to get the easements to put Fios available to us. Everyone around us has Fios. It is not coming to US. Comcast all the way. Verizon does allow DSL, but everytime it rains and the wind blows- No internet. Verizon DSL does not hold because the Verizon states – ” no reason to have good telephone wires.” The wires are crumbling and in this area everything if new has to be underground, so no way is going to install good telephone wires. Verizon is actually making party lines on the phone connection to give everyone a line. I work from home now and the contract belongs to my employer. It took Verizon a month to get my DSL stable. I have been stable with DSL almost a month now, except for the rainy day last week.
The stress has been overwhelming – My Job!
Comcast is not to good with the phone. It shuts my personal computer off everyone time I get a call. I am on my fourth repair ticket.
No one ever calls back.
Hope your friends husband gets the issues resolved.
((( Circle of New House Hugs)))
Sherrie Roberts
We had almost the same problem with Verizon when we moved here (Northern VA area). Yes, their internet and TV are the greatest, but when you throw in a phone line, that adds another problem…they seem to all be separate companies which don’t communicate. I hope they get it fixed for you soon.
We have met several times and I have taken classes with you. I read your story to my hubby and he wants to help fix this issue for you. (He works for Verizon). Please contact me personally and he will get involved. Best wishes.
Good to find another local blogger who does collage.
We switched to FIOS about the same time dh got his Iphone, so some days it’s hard to determine where the problem is. He works at home, and I can shut my door when there are ‘issues’. We try to remember this is one hell of an upscale problem. We try…
Hi Lesley,
Bonnie from Ranger here! Congrats, I’ve passed on an “I love your blog” award to you. Enjoy, and talk to you soon I hope — still trying to get to Houston Quilt Festival . . .
oh how i know this all too well.
{we just moved in july.}
great blog.
pat sloan sent me.
If you would like the email address to the CEO of Verizon, contact me off blog. I’ve had my share of problems with Verizon too in the last 4 years.
Google the terms oxymoron +”customer service” and the Results will be at least 82,500 entries. You aren’t alone. Count your slim blessings with this thought: At least your reps spoke English. Just breathe.
oh you poor thing, I can so sympathise – I thought it was British Telecom who won the prize for most incompetent telecoms company in the world, EVER. They cost me thousands of pounds when we moved our business last year with a catalogue of pure inefficiency. Take that deep breath and I hope you get sorted very soon.
on another, more positive note – i’ve been meaning to tell you (here, i know i’ve told you in our daily talks) how beautiful i find this new look of yours! and, welcome to typepad!!!!! xx
ummmm – at least you have the internet? and if i had a choice in the matter, i would choose the internet over the phone. me, i have to have dial up service, which is a frustrating condition every minute of every day. no, i’m no martyr, but i’d love to have the luxury of wireless or cable connections…..
hang in there, sweet buddha. the light at the end of the tunnel, i promise, is not a train. xo
Here in NC, two years ago, we had the same tale of woe with Time-Warner. They sell the whole package–phone, tv, internet–but it takes a different technician for each service.
Not fun. Not efficient. Not smart!
Bless your art heart! I can certainly understand your frustration. Any time I have to deal with a big company like that, I immediately go into dread mode because I know it can be a long, drawn out process. It’s very annoying. Anyway, hang in there. Hopefully, they’ll get your issues resolved ASAP.