Mother and baby are doing fine. In this case, the baby is my book, Fabulous Fabric Art with Lutradur. The book arrived on my doorstep (no stork though) today and was followed shortly after, with a delivery of flowers and a Congratulations card from everyone at C&T that had a part in bringing this baby to life. They say writing a book is like having a baby. By "they", I mean women, because I doubt any man would understand the simile. Having had 6 babies and written 3 books, I can attest to the verity of the simile.
What made this delivery so wonderful, was the surprise of the importance given to this delivery by the "doctors and nurses" at C&T. They really get it. It's an excellent company/publisher to do business with and they really do treat you like part of the family. In a time when so much is impersonal and the publishing industry is changing and shrinking, it's so nice to be a part of such a wonderful business relationship.
This book is my advance copy, meaning that it is not yet available. Can you wait another 30 days or so? I will be selling autographed/personalized copies and having a few giveaways next month as well. And that reminds me of another lovely thing about this author/publisher relationship. I am among the first to see my baby book. In times past, I had to hear it though the grapevine when my book was out. I always thought that was weird and often said, "Why is the author the last to know?" But not THIS time, hooray!
I love it, I do. I had the same book designer, Rose Sheifer-Wright, as I had for my other 2 books, so there is a nice consistancy even though the publisher is different. In addition to my art, there are also a few contributors – Claudine Hellmuth, Katie Kendrick, Jenn Mason and Judi Kauffman. And the way cool thing…2 sheets of Lutradur are included in the book!
I am looking forward to sharing it with you next month – 27 techniques, 14 projects and if you are like me, enough info to start those little brain wheels turning towards even more ideas. I've already discovered a few more techniques since I wrote the book and I'll be sharing those with you soon. And don't forget – if you are a visual learner, need a holiday gift or are just super impatient, my Quilting Arts DVD, Lutradur: Art Quilt Applications available RIGHT now.
great Lesley! I’d pre-order it, but I always end up forgetting that I ordered one, and then I order another and suddenly I have two!
Congratulations Lesley! I just received the sample you sent me! Thanks so much!
Congratulations Leslie – Amazon has had this on my “recommended for you” list for about a week and available for pre-order. Me, I’d rather order an autographed copy from you. I will watch for it’s availability on your blog. Congratulations again!
Congratulations on the new arrival! Looks just as lovely as your other children–human and published.
Congrats! I love your books and can’t wait for this one. Have a wonderful holiday season. Cheers.
Congratulations on such a classy, successful match, you and C&T!
Congratulations! I can hardly wait to see it and try out your ideas!
Congratulations I’m looking forward to getting this book.
Congratulations. I look forward to seeing it.
Lesley, I’m so excited for you! (And for the rest of us, too … can’t wait to receive a copy of your New Baby.)
Lesley – Congratulations and I know it will be a great success.
I’ve been waiting for this book! Hope its a huge success.
Congratulations! The cover design is lovely. Including some Lutradur with the book is a terrific idea. I’ll be in line to buy one when it comes out.
Congrats! Be sure and remind the list when it hits the streets!
yay! congrats on the booK! I am so excited t be in it!
I can’t wait to see all the goodies included inside.
Peace & Love,
Congratulations! How very exciting.
Congratulations on the birth of the latest!!! I can’t wait to see it!!!
chris p
Congratulations on another great book, Lesley!