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I am beginning to feel like I have my life back again. I've unpacked the studio, done some art, listed some Ebay items, squeezed in some blog posts, and most of all, breathed a big sigh of relief that the craziness is over. I hope I am not speaking too soon, but I do feel a shift in my days just as the weather is shifting here, with a mix of cool evenings and cool to hot to rainy days, mixed with clear air and skies. A little bit of everything as Mother Nature fights to give up one season and move on to the next. But moving on we all must do. Nothing is constant but change. It's hard, yes, to go through a lot of change, but it's also good. When we stretch ourselves we grow. When we grow we become better people, When we are better people, we can make a difference. This quote was in my email box yesterday:
Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can.
In all the places you can. At all the times you can.
To all the people you can. As long as ever you can.
John Wesley
It just resonates with me. I get wonderful quotes every week day from Cynthia Kersey – her Unstoppable Insight for Unstoppable Women. At times over the past year, I have felt stoppable. Give me one more burden, one more change and I will break. But it's the support of my family, friends and my art that bolster me up when I'm feeling overwhelmed – those and the reminders I get emailed to me every day. Sometimes it's just a succinct phrase, some wise words that will make all the difference.
Ah, I've gotten off track again. I love how easily I can get off on a tangent. I meant to post about my new EBAY auctions. The first appears above – 2 beloved sets of wheel, all red and green with star cutouts and little bells in the axel. I have had these on a shelf, in sight, for years and years and yes, years and I cannot figure out what to do with them. So it's time to pass them on. I know someone out there will make something wonderful with them. And as a teacher I am a facilitator, so I am facilitating your creativity by passing these along to someone who will do them honor.
There are also almost 200 RUBBER STAMPS on the auction block. And those are the ones left over from the big art sale. I'm more than embarrased to know how many stamps I owned and I challenge you to find any art I've done with anything other than an alphabet stamps. Mea culpa of the "gotta have it" syndrome. I'm happy to say I've outgrown that.
I hope they will go to a good home – yours or a school perhaps.
As for old business, ARIANE is the winner of the Fragment Journal giveaway. Ariane said "I love this book and I love the photo. I'd love to jump right into it right now and get away. I guess what I'm trying to say is I need a vacation and that beach looks like the perfect place to be. LOL" Congratulations Ariane.
I still have a lot of stuff to go through and will be doing another giveaway next week and probably posting more Ebay auctions, so please keep in touch. I've got photos and lots of collage ephemera to share with you.
I too am trying to start packing for moving but it’s at least a year out. Any advice? Even trying to give away I still hold on so tight to everything. How do you doit?
Hi Lesley! I’ve been following your progress and am glad to hear that you are finally finding yourself “back in the swing of things”! As I love all things with stars, I have to say that I love the wheels with stars… and I love the colors! They sure photograph well! Guess I’ll head over to ebay! So glad you’re “back”!
life has that way of PUSHING you in one direction or another…like maybe if you start going one way…you trip and fall onto the right path!