Wendy is the winner, chosen by random number. Her birthday wisdom was this: "Happy Birthday, Lesley. Recently my thoughts center on two words, grace and laughter. The first is my newest approach to everyday living, gently embracing the ups and downs. The second word, laughter is the medicine of living. A good laugh with a loved one always puts a bounce in my step." Thanks to all of you for sharing in my birthday celebration. Wendy will be receiving this Fragment that contains it's own bit of wisdom. The serendipitous thing is, I had picked this Fragment for the giveaway long before I knew who the winner was or what wisdom she would share. Now how is that for the marriage of wisdom & karma?
Here we are Saturday night, celebrating our birthday with our granddaughters. granddaughters.
It must be time for presents or cake because they never sit still for anything.
It must be time for presents or cake because they never sit still for anything.
Happy Birthday, Leslie. Do you have any grandsons? Lots of hormones running around there. You are truly blessed.
Happy Birthday!
Wow. Thank you Lesley.
That’s a wonderful Fragment and it looks like it was a wonderful Birthday party.