Raising six children and and later, taking care of my aging parents, made having a place to go that “allows for something new and promising” a distant dream. At the age of 18, I went from my parents house to college and on to a new life with my husband and newborn son all within […]
I’m old, so why bother?
“One afternoon in 1772 Mary Delany noticed how a piece of coloured paper matched the dropped petal of a geranium. She lifted a pair of filigree-handled scissors – the kind that must have had a nose so sharp and delicate that you could almost imagine it picking up a scent. With the instrument in her […]
The Action That Changes Everything
I am deeply immersed in Stephen Cope’s The Great Work of Your Life. I discovered Cope when reading Dani Shapiro’s book, Still Writing, a book I recommended in a previous newsletter. It’s the kind of book that aligns so well with my thinking that I want to savour every word, every phrase. With each turn of the page, my stash […]
Buried Treasure
Welcome to my blast from the past. I am participating in Seth Apter’s Buried Treasure Post: The premise is simple. On Wednesday, June 12th all participating bloggers will re-post one (or more) of their favorite posts that ever appeared on their blog. I believe in synchronicity, which is why I chose these two post from just […]
Present Time Post #22
Constant Discovery I was led to this beautiful term by a sequence of web-based occurrences today that began with a Facebook notification of an old friend’s birthday. FB → a website → Amazon → another book → another website → this quote: This unknowable life is a mirror that allows us to discover the truth — not by beliefs, or concepts, […]
Present Time Post #19
As I mentioned yesterday, I am clearing out a room – 75% boxes of book, 25% art stuff. The bonus is that I get to go through the boxes of books before I shelve them in my husband’s office. It’s like meeting up with long lost friends. (Which also happens to be what I’m […]
Present Time Post #17
I am noticing changes in my behavior and my thinking. Some big, some subtle and some frustrating. Sometimes I try too hard to get out of my head and stop thinking. This only leads to me getting upset with myself. And then I realize that I am not really in present time. You can’t be […]
Present Time Post #14
I am being mightily tested since my return from idyllic Sedona. I woke at 4 am today and could not get back to sleep. Perhaps it was so that I could see the amazing moonlight display in the western sky just before the sun rose in the east. That was my shining moment. And […]
Present Time Post #12
Being in present time is serving me well today as I re-enter reality after almost a week in sunny, Sedona. AZ. The in-box is over-flowing. There is a backlog of to-dos and my body is operating on Pacific, not Eastern time. Yet I feel calm. I know it will all get done. It no […]
Present Time Post #6
I have the 1971 Ram Dass book “Be Here Now”. I don’t remember when I got it, sometime in the 80s I think. To be honest, I bought it because the text font was hand stamped. I won’t lie. I didn’t even get the meaning of the title and I skimmed rushed through the book, never really reading […]