“Pack up all my care and woe, here I go, singing low, bye, bye, blackbird.” Remember that song? It was one in my Mom’s repertoire of oldies but goodies, and is very appropriate for today. I’m done packing. I’ll be getting the key to the house shortly and tomorrow, with the help of 4 strong young men, we move all the big stuff. I’ve been a packing fool and there’s still a lot here, but since the move is only 6 blocks and the house is not yet even on the market, I have time to clear out the rest of the small stuff….like books, books and more books, a tall shelf full of art stuff, and misc. stuff. As those of you who have moved know, the biggest problem is what to do with the stuff that you no longer want, but is too nice to toss, and is something that would make the right person, were they to find/buy/receive it very happy. I’m talking art stuff – collage, mixed media, art bits & pieces. Equipment for art pursuits you’ll never pursue again (pasta machine, hooked rug strip cutter, heavy duty brad and eyelet setter, etc, etc). There are photos, scrabble tiles, unfinished art, things that only make sense or have value to a fellow artist. There are a few real gems, like this hardwood boxed set – The Classroom Printer, easy to Ebay, hard to ship.
So I ask you – what shall I do? I would love to have the mother of all art sales but I know the majority of you cannot make it here to Maryland. Should I do a sale for those who CAN make it to MD? Is it worth it to put it all on Ebay? In mixed lots? or take the time to make collections like I did before? I just cannot decide, so I am posing the question to you, dear readers? What would you do? What would you like me to do? Ya want a piece of me? I mean a piece of my art stash? Leave me a suggestion and you’ll be entered to win this little mixed media quiltlet!
I can not read all the things but I love your box with stamps , I say WOW for that .
Rini the Netherlands
I can not read all the things but I love your box with stamps , I say WOW for that .
Rini the Netherlands
Yard sale, please and I will come! I have to visit people in Bethesda anyway!
Oh have an art sale in Maryland. I need to go to Bethesda soon anyway! Would I be near you? I LOVE that printing set!
For some of the smaller, less easily-organizable items, you could just pack some general “Surprise Stash” boxes, using USPS Flat-Rate Priority Mail boxes, and then just post it on your blog. I’ve seen a lot of artists do this, where they say what’s generally in the box, how big the box is, offer their price, and offer it on a first-come, first-serve basis. And always, without fail, by the next day, the box is paid for and on its way out the door. I’m sure a LOT of people would be thrilled to get a Surprise Stash from you, whether it was neatly coordinated, or a delightful free-for-all.
One bonus to this is that the USPS will deliver Flat-Rate Priority Mail boxes to you, as well as do pick-ups of Priority Mail boxes, for free. So really, you could get your boxes, stuff them, advertise them here, get them paid for, and on their way out again, without ever leaving your house.
And then like others said, for the bigger items, Craigslist or Freecycle might be just the thing. I’ve tried mailing a printer before, and it was just NOT worth it. For how much it cost to ship, plus the cost of bubble wrap, peanuts, and a large enough box, I could have spent the same money buying a new printer. It’s hard to break-even like that, with an eBay sale, when it costs $35-$40 to ship it. And that’s not counting just the hassle of packing. So going local may alleviate that headache.
Packing and moving is hard enough as it is, so whatever you do, I hope its something that helps you maintain your sanity. 😀
I would love to come to your yard sale! I would post flyers at the local shops. I hope that it is a huge success and I would love the opportunity to win your beautiful piece!
Lesley, we are so fortunate to have you in the DC area. A yard sale would be great for large items that would be hard to ship. It all comes down to how much time and help you have. I’m sure that a yard sale would sent most of your items to new homes. Good luck with your move.
Lesley, we are so fortunate to have you in the DC area. A yard sale would be great for large items that would be hard to ship. It all comes down to how much time and help you have. I’m sure that a yard sale would sent most of your items to new homes. Good luck with your move.
There are definitely pros and cons for both – especially considering the amount of time it will take on your part to prepare for either a yard sale or to put items on eBay. I just know I won’t be able to attend a yard sale since I live in Indiana.
I literally just moved a week ago to a house 1/2 the size, so I know exactly what you’re going through, and, since it’s a temporary move, 90% of my supplies and other “necessities” of life:) are still boxed up. I can’t imagine trying to have a yard sale on top of all that. I’d say Ebay first and then a local yard sale only if necessary. However, if shipping truly is an issue, you could always do an Ebay local pick-up only sale. I can also vouch for Cragslist postings since that is how I found my new, albeit temporary, home. Best wishes either way!
I have never felt good having a yard sale so I either give my stuff away (like someone suggested to a local art group or children’s art center…) or I’d sell it online! Jamie V in MT
In my area, people expect to pay so little at yard sales that it’s often hard to justify having them. I vote for ebay!
What treasures! Why don’t you do a yard sale first, and then bundle the remainder into one or more mixed media packages and put it on Craigs List or eBay. I liked the idea from someone else on the eBay drop off site. Sorry I’m on the other coast or I’d love to come!
I think because moving is already a daunting yucko, try a local domestic violence shelter. They often have art classes to help women express themselves and to gain back personal power. I am willing to bet they don’t often get great supplies. Plus it will fill you up as well after an exhausting venture.
You could donate (for a tax deduction) your great supplies to one or more local art teachers….Speaking as a VA public middle school art teacher I know we could find some great projects for our students to do with your hand me downs! We could write a thank you letter on school stationary and you could give it to your accountant and use it for your taxes? 😉 Then you could visit the county art shows and see what your gifts were created into?
You have already received a ton of suggestions, so you know you get a lot of traffic to your blog. Why not set a specific price for the Classroom Printer and anything else you want to sell, and advertise it/them on your blog. You save ebay fees and the first person to meet your price (which would include shipping) would get the item.
Make it easy on yourself. Decide what’s most important to you – recuperating $s or your time. We will still love you whatever route you take.
Ah, the seemingly endless remains of moving forward that cause you to pause and reflect. In the end, you realize that no amount of planning ahead will relieve you of the burden of finishing what you started, right? Take it from an old moving pro, don’t put your quality items out front and post signs that say, “Yard Sale” because this sadly opens your home (and sometimes your heart) to strangers that would rob a grave for something they can sell on eBay. Save yourself from the potentially demeaning interactions over items that do have value to those that travel in your art community. If you have a local sale, brand it to draw the clientele that will you treat you and the artifacts you’re selling with respect. On Craig’s list there are a couple of art categories, (look for community/artists and for sale/arts & crafts), and invite the artists and all their artsy friends. You will probably attract a hearty crowd of appreciative folks and you may spend the day having some great conversations as well. For rare collectibles, (like that amazing Classroom Printer), eBay will generate the most interest and I have no doubt it will allow you to take your Dad out to dinner at a very nice restaurant! I don’t think there’s only one way to complete this final stage of your move. To me, the ideal situation is to keep the stress level down, have a little fun and ensure you close this chapter of your life with an uplifting feeling that can only be accomplished by an act of generosity. As others suggested, give some local art teachers (or single moms) a care package of supplies that will give others a chance to express themselves with your gift of possibilities. Enjoy as many moments of this experience as possible. I wish I could be one of the lucky creatives to peruse your treasures and hear the stories of how they came into your life. What a great day that would be for an artist trying to entertain their muse.
How about having a local sale first and advertise everywhere and anywhere. What is left you can then sell on ebay. Good Luck! I have moved 14 times…it is a lot of work and you really have to be in the mood to get rid of ‘stuff’.
Hi Leslie,
Well, I guess it all depends on whether financial remuneration is important to you . If it is , my best guess would be posting on ebay where the items could be bid on and the possibility of ever increasing bids could prove financially beneficial to you .
There is also your local “Cheapcycle” group on which you could sell your items . The one local to me allows items to be advertised up to $1000 limit with no charge for advertising the item It is all free advertising .
On the other hand if the money end of it is not important but you would like to see it go to a good home , why not freecycle your items . There are many artists who just cannot afford to pay extra monies out for supplies . You would have the option of choosing who the item would go to and the person chosen is responsible for pickup of the item .
Anyway , just a few thoughts on what you might be able to do with your items. Hope this helps
I would do a couple of things…I would adveritize an art sale or art yard sale in local news and arrange supplies accordingly. Whatever is left I would put on ebay, etsy, or on your blog…you could do some small giveaways too. I bet you will purge a lot at your yard sale 🙂
I don’t know what you want to do with the rest of it, but I LOVE the classroom printer set. Name your price, plus shipping. I’ll buy it NOW! I am a member of the Foothill Pritmakers, Studio 1801, at our local college. It would make a great addition to our collection of letterpress typefaces, old presses, etc.
The other things might sell on eBay, or perhaps Etsy would be a good choice, as that is a site for crafters/artists, and the interest might be more direct there.
email me for phone # if you want to talk “SALE!” for the print set.
Pati B.
Lesley, I am also a ‘treasure/possibility’ finder, as are most of us. I’ve come to realize that my excess treasures will bring just as much joy to others. So, for the sake of ease and expedience, I suggest that you donate them to a local art center, where they can be put to immediate use. Spread the Joy!
Hi Lesley,
Check in with Judy of Artistic Artifacts in Alexandria. http://www.artisticartifacts.com/ maybe she can help you sell it.
Good luck with the move…
How about listing the big stuff on eBay and if you’re worried about shipping, you can make the listing for Maryland pick up only. Or, you can go to a shipping store and get an estimate for packing and shipping the heavy stuff and include that in your listing. You can ask a service which sells stuff on eBay to handle your items for a % of the sales. You could list on Craig’s List for Maryland and surrounding areas. You could list on a Yahoo group list that accepts ads for your mixed lots. You could list on your blog an online Yard Sale. There are many possibilities….
A yard sale means a few days of prep – sale day – take the leftovers to a good thrift sore that benefits a good cause and your finished. Ebay means days of selling,responding to emails, packing and shipping unless you have an ebay store close by who can handle that for you.
School is starting and there are lots of needy art teachers out there and you can get the tax write off on donating supplies also. So these are my ideas I hope they open some doors of thought and i would love one of your quilties.
I think I would do a yard sale first, that way you can get rid of non art items too. If you have alot you could hold your own estate sale, where you leave it in your house that you moved from, attach prices, have family and friends help in each room that is open and post someone at the door. The first day usually is the highest price then the next day you percent it down a bit. After all that, you could ebay it or have you considered Etsy? they have lower rates and you can list it in supplies, vintage ect. for 20 cents. Consumer pays shipping which you figure, the cost of shipping can be held down a bit if you can weigh the item and check with the USPS calculate by zip code. You can fit alot into the flat rate boxes too. Good luck! I like many love that print kit – wowsers looks like fun!
Wow, it looks like you could do a sale right here. I really want the school printer set! I would certainly be interested if you do ebay. I live too far for a local sale, but I know my daughters buy off Craigs list a lot. Blessings to you in your move. I may be moving before long and am not looking forward to the logistics of it.
Yard sale first – what sells needn’t be packed or shipped. Get word out to local artsy-fartsy groups, as well as general advertising.
You might divvy up the remaining stuff for online sale and for donation to any local school/after-school/senior citizens organizations.
Like everyone else, I wish I temporarily lived down the street – may the move go smoothly!
Leslie, If it were me and I had all that responsibility of moving and sorting and packing I would box it all up and give it to some wonderful organization, school, needy family, nursing home or hospital…somewhere it could be appreciated.
I’d gracefully say goodbye to it all, perhaps write it off as a tax deduction and start fresh.
Purging it is a very empowering feeling. I had to do that when we moved and I never missed any of it once we got to the new place!
Good luck….hard choice, I know !
If you aren’t in a hurry to destash, you could make up “goodie bags” of the smaller items and take a few when you teach workshops, have a few giveaways…as for the bigger items, are you sure you would never use them again? I have thought that and a few years later wished I had kept them. Just a thought…I like the idea some are leaving about Craig’s List…local, no shipping, but you’d have people coming to look. Maybe in your circle of art friends there would be someone who’d love “a piece of you.” Or, if the Ebay idea sounds daunting, give your ebay items to someone you trust to sell them for you, give them a cut of the sales. That way you’re not committed to shipping, packing, etc. But anyway, I wish you well with your move, such a monumental task!
Another couple of suggestions:
How about Craigslist? You can post photos to Craigslist and specify “Pick up only.” Craigslist is in every city and state in the US, so there must be one in yours.
Donate (for the tax deduction which would be about half it’s actual value) to the thrift shop of a charity that you favor.
Donate (again for the tax deduction) to a senior center, nursing home or a community center that has art and craft classes.
Donate to a hospital with a children’s unit that has a child life program; or a psychiatric hospital or day treatment program with an arts and crafts program.
Judith Stadler
I have a classroom printer and it is really awesome. You could even split it up and sell it in small lots to make the shipping cheaper on Ebay. You’ll get more money on Ebay, but more work. What are you up for? You have connections! A yard sale would be much easier, but not gain as much money. Do you just want to be rid of it? Then go for the yard sale!
You could make flat rate boxes of stuff and offer them from your site. Just mixed stuff or by categories. You can ebay or Etsy some of the more costly pieces. A yard sale may be more trouble then it is worth.
The consensus seems to be to advertise early, contact art groups, and have a BIG yard sale with the help of some friends or family. Make it a one-day affair, having fun with friends, neighbors and fellow artists. Anything left over, give to the art teacher or to charity. Good luck! You have a lot of fellow artists that wish you the best!
Sharon Eley
Chillicothe, OH
The print set I’d probably donate to a local school; there’s sure to be one that needs it. The rest I’d put on ebay.
Witnessing Human nature unfold in everyone’s comments is great. How we love to buy things to create with, to inspire us, just to have. I admire you for letting go and knowing it’s time to move on in your art. Your fellow artists would love e-bay but you may need a yard sale to be done with the bulk of it. By the sounds of it though you could list the printer. All the very best, Deborah in Canada
I know it sounds like a great idea to make some money for it – so you can go out and buy other stuff :-).
But I think I would donate it to people who do not have the resources to get materials like that. Elderly people in homes, shelters, special day care for handicapped and so on. You might brighten up somebody’s day which could be more worth than a sale on Ebay.
I think mixed lots on Ebay get a good response. I think people like the idea of getting a lot of goodies in one package :> I know I do!
Definitely a garage sale is in the works here.
but I would love to bid on that type on ebay, when you get around to it! I moved a year ago and am still working through the boxes…all that sorting takes time, esp for an artist/collector.Good luck!
I think I would love a yard sale for you as I could come. 😉 I think you might find the people who would most love to have the goodies by putting photos up in an album here on your blog — list the item, how much it weighs and what you want for it. Give stuff a week or two for your readers to bid on (personally, I’d take the first bid that met your offer and limit every buyer to one item a day or some such to be sure some single reader didn’t get it all:)…if it doesn’t all sell, sell what’s left at a yard sale then…or even give it to your local high school art department.
🙂 Linda
definitely a yard sale. Shipping all those great treasures is too much with a major move. Advertise it for the great sale it would be and people will come.
Happiness in your new home,Andra
Why not have the yard sale first it would mean a lot less packing, shipping, etc. It would be more of an instant gratification – you could get on with upacking and setting up in the new place. Whatever is left could go to ebay, craigslist, piece it to the list, etc.
I would definitely put it up on Ebay. You’re a celebrity, I’m sure lots of people will be bidding on your items and the price will go up and you’ll make a tidy sum! 🙂 Marva
I’m in MD and I would definitely come to your art yard sell! How about having a yard sale first and then putting the rest of Ebay?
I think your best bet is ebay. Shipping will take time but I think you will do better price wise than a yard sale. Especially since so many artist are spread around the country. Just my thoughts. Good Luck!
According to how much time to devote to taking pics, descriptions etc..you would make the most on ebay probably…
maybe your blog..post items with paypal buttons..
yard sale..never been much for those in this HEAT..but some people don’t mind.
I’m wondering what the “heavy duty brad and eyelet setter” looks like..LOL sounds like something I need!
Mix it up and put in Ebay so we all can try our luck Rita
I would love to have the Printer in a box. It would be too expensive to ship. ebay it.
Hi Lesley,
How are you doing, remember your Alaskan friend from Oregon? I have so enjoyed your blog and am compelled to join in with the perfect answer to your dilemna. Sometimes everything seems so hard…. I know ebay is way too challenging for me; bidding, begging, keeping track of things. Don’t you just want it to be done? Since there is no way I could ever be near to attend your perfect garage sale; my option is without ulterior motive just do it… have one day and get rid of what you don’t want and sell it!!! Then go forward with all the fun, excitement and joy the new move and next few months have in store for you! I know, there are many changes coming up in my life and if I had to add keeping track of craigslist or ebay, I might just implode… But that’s just my idea, I may be wrong!
I think you can find enough VA/PA/MD artists to come to your yard sale. Maybe Claudine has some stuff too… hehe!!
If you still have the machine to cut strips for rug hooking.. EMAIL ME as I’m interested in that!
Smooches on all your changes… we still NEED to do lunch! Pat Sloan
oooh, Leslie…please have a yard sale. Open it to art quilters in the Md./DC, Va area, and I know you’ll be overrun with eager buyers. If you need some help, I’ll be glad to help you (you may remember you shlepped my sewing machine home from QSDS, and I owe you one!). I’m at your disposal (uh oh, bad pun!).
Yeah I want a piece of Lesley Riley! I love your work! Always have! Those printer blocks are to die for too! What a beautiful set so many great words like Bear, bird nest all of em! Times are tough but I am sure someone would bid on that case on ebay! Pick me to win a piec of Lesley! Hugs, Sanna
Lesley… what a dilemma! I think I would do a yard sale first & ebay second. That just seems easier to me… which after all that packing I am imagining you want too!
Best of luck to you in your new home. May it bring you and your family much joy!
Debbie L
I’d go to the post office and get as many of those flat rate boxes in all the different sizes that they have and then I’d list it all on ebay. If it will fit in a flat rate box that will help keep the shipping costs down even for overseas buyers.
What I will do…..mmmm…I will put on Ebay with the shipping listed or I will sell on Etsy.I am sure that you will find your way to give it away…or maybe keep it!:)
I love going to sales, and hate doing them, but ultimately I believe that you would probably get rid of the bulk of what you want to sell at your home and would save you the time of packaging and shipping. You could always list on ebay what does not sell. I don’t live near you and would love to come, so I am definitely not being selfish in my suggestion. Best of luck. Deb
Hi Lesley,
If I were U, I’d go ahead & have the yard sale. The Ebay sale would be great but, as others have mentioned, that does entail a bit more time & energy. I would love to come to the yard sale, but I’m in rehearsals in Louisville & my director would have a cow if I decided to take a weekend trip! I’m sure U’ll do the thing that works the best for YOU! Best of luck w/ the move!
Dang, sale may be easier for you but those of us at a distance ..oh my. so I wish for a secret sale to an art group (Quilt-art ) list members to bid on , oh say 20 different lots. still means you have to pack and we pay shipping ahh Please!!
If you were anywhere in my state [California], I’d be there in a flash! If I were in your situation, I’d probably opt for a combination of garage sale and Craig’s List [have never used EBay]. It depends on how much and what kind of intrusion you want: you’re going to have people showing up OR you’ll have to ship things to them. Good luck!
I’d say group some and put them up for sale. The box is VERY cool. It would definitely sell. Hmmm. If you could advertise it on a list, say Collage Cats list for selling things (a separate list that I can’t recall the name of right now) and all it would take is a well-placed “leak” to a few people and it would take off, I think. How about making kits with some of it and selling it at a venue like Art & Soul or Art Unraveled or Fiberfest?
I would certainly make the trip from VA to MD for a yard sale with your treasures up for sale Lesley! I am a member of a couple of local altered arts groups, so word of mouth could go far. 🙂 I bet we could put a good dent in your goodies! I envy you a fresh start in your new home! I have not had to really face my stuff in 25 years, it sure can start piling up 🙂 🙂 🙂
Thank you also for your Lovely giveaway opportunity!
I agree with all of the above starting locally, then QA and Quilted Memories, then Ebay, ETSy, and craig’s list. I think you can specify local pickup only. If not you can say buyer pays for packing and shipping. Take it to a box parcel store and let them pack it!
Good luck!
I think we’re pretty much all in a loose agreement. Try the yard sale first, see what you have left. Then eBay or Craig’s List, or both.
As long as you don’t have to rush to get the house totally empty, you can have an indoor yard sale. That’s even easier.
Well, I think it all depends on how much time you have and how much of your life’s energy you want to put into divesting of all this wonderful stuff. I think a yard sale is quick – and fun. It eliminates those of us who are too far to buy at your yard sale but a compromise might be to put some of the rare items (ie, printer set) on ebay. It also helps to have a plan for the stuff that doesn’t sell. In my experience, listing a yard sale as a crafter’s sale works really well. You might even consider having the sale last for the entire weekend (F/S/S).
I moved just 6 months ago. I sold loads of vintage linens and period clothing, craft books and supplies on ebay; it took most of December and January into early February to sell all that I wanted to move along out of my life. Then we had a post-move garage sale and sold boodles more. Ahhhhh what a great feeling you will have when your life weighs oh so much less after you divest. Good luck with decisions and the move.
Favor your “fans” and sell via your blog first. Then EBAY, ETSY, or Craigs List after that – yard sale last. Yard sales are a lot of work. You could hire someone to sell for you.
Your Dad is too cute?
OOoOOO Leslie.. I would SURE LOVE to purchase that Classroom Printer.. with all the LOVELY WORDS..
Never the less… I think small items… not quite a valuable… then make mixed lots for ebay. Bigger items (like the Classroom Printer) and equipment… sell separately on ebay.
Hope you are well.. I know you will be ready to collapse by Quilt but I am looking forward to seeing you!
Tracie Lyn
Perhaps there are some art co-ops/ art teachers around your area that you could contact to see if they would want to purchase any items to be used in teaching…they could share the materials…art in schools is not funded very big these days …a art department would be heaven to be able to purchase many of your big “dream” items..then after that any left overs go in a garage sale, and any smaller easier items to handle go for Ebay or post on blog…for sale. I for one admire your courage to let things go…I still am holding on to stuff that I know I should let go. Maybe a move should be in my future.
I recently got a piece of artwork at a huge discount because the artist told me “because I know you will love it so much”. As a former MD resident, there are plenty of quilt artist groups who you could have come and buy at a yard sale who would love your things like you do. The local quilt guilds can be contacted with sale details. If I lived there still, I would come by just to meet you!
Gosh, that printers set might be worth a trip from Tennessee to Maryland. Unless a yard sale is advertised in a way that fellow artists will show up, regular shoppers won’t be willing to pay the $$ nor will they know what wonderful items you have. Your best sales would definitely come through ebay if you have the time to go that route. Craig’s list is also another good option for you and anyone close to you. Good luck! How I’d love that printers kit.
I vote that you make mixed lots and sell them on eBay. I know I would be bidding. But it is probably easier to have a yard sale type of thing, maybe both!
Were it I, I would go for the yard sale. Advertise at all the local art schools, scrapbook stores, quilt stores, art supply places, etc, etc.
Then you don’t have to ship everything (which could be a huge pain!).
Advertise “Artist Sale!!!!!”…. 🙂
KEEP IT ALL – OMG How can you bear to part with it? BUT if you have to, do the yard sale, see what you have left and then let the list know again! Those of us who are far away (Arizona) are dying.
Good Luck
Echoing most of the other commenters: have a local yard sale for your own sanity and post a few gems on ebay for the out-of-towners, if you have the time and energy.
Good luck with the move!
Perhaps you could ask your local craft store to display a poster of your yard sale, as well as putting an ad in all local papers. Wish I lived in your area.
If I was the one moving I’d have the yard sale first. Advertise it in advance, and announce it to your groups and on your blog. I think you will have a great turn out, and your treasures will have new ‘homes’ with the least amount of work for you. If you have anything left after the sale, then you could offer the boxed lots on Ebay or even as destash on your Etsy shop. I’m sure everything will be go quickly.
Good luck with your move. I’ve moved several times over long distances and know the work involved.
Have you considered a donation to a worthy cause and a tax deduction?–Rene
I would try a mixed approach also –
For things you think are valuable and would make some decent money, go with Ebay.
For stuff that would go quicker if people were able to see and touch it, have a yard sale (I know I buy tons of stuff in person that I wouldn’t buy online)
Whether you want to group some of this stuff into bundles to sell on Ebay can only be settled by you. How much time are you willing to put into this project, and how much of a return would you need to get to feel like the time was justified?
And I agree with previous posters. MD is a central enough location that people might come from farther away than you would expect. I live in central VA but a trip to the DC/baltimore area might just be worth it if the stuff is exciting enough.
HI Leslie,
For my personal sake I would hope that you listed it on Ebay but maybe use an ebay service that does the work for you, at this busy time it would seem like the easiest way out. On a non-selfish note I guess I would do a local yard sale thing with the help of some friends but that is pretty time consuming. I just moved also. Downsizing from a 3800sq. ft house to a 900sq ft. condo. YOWZERS – does that ever put things in perspective! Love to you- Kim
Is it against any rules to have your own “yard sale” on your blog? You could post items the same as you would on Ebay and have the responses be your “bids”…then again , that might get more complicated…and you might get more customers another way. Keep us posted on what you decide!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Classroom printer stamp set!! I could also use a pasta maker, hehe 🙂
If they are available, please contact to tell me whats left
~OR~ Have you trise Craiglist in your area yet?
Hope your move is going well 🙂
Thanks, Meg
i’d probably sell the big stuff on ebay and donate some to schools, or a women’s shelter or the y or something. i don’t know how it is in md, but in idaho where i live teachers buy their own art supplies and am with linda, someone would be very happy to receive what you have.
Have you considered Craig’s List? (Google it.) It is LOCAL so there need be no shipping. I live 45 minutes from Asheville, NC so I put my chairs on the Asheville list. Put ’em up on a Sunday, got a call Monday, the lady arrived at my house to see them and handed over cash to me on Wednesday. YeeHah! You might even be able to advertise your garage sale there. AND you could surely offer your remainders that way. Did I mention it’s FREE?
wow, I would love to get my hands on some of that stuff! ebay or offering it in some of the yahoo buy/sale/trade groups would be awesome.
The art teacher thing sounds good, but, if you did the Ebay thing I know zillions of artists would be grateful for the chance to buy.
I don’t believe it has to be an “either or” situation. Have a yard sale, advertise as suggested previously, and get rid as much as you can. Takes the load off of you. Then look at what you have left, and if you think it’s something some one might want, put it up as a lot or lots on eBay. Otherwise drop it off at a Thrift Shop or list it as free on Craig’s List.
Don’t get me wrong, I love buying on Ebay, but it takes time to take all those photos and upload. I’d do an art yard sale……there are so many places online to advertise these days. Then, you wouldn’t have to take all the goodies to the post office for mailing – someone buys it and carts it away.
OOOh what a cool yard sale that would be. I would come because in live in Harford County, MD. I’ll bet you would have fans of yours coming from far and wide.
I think having a major art yard sale would be good. I would ask to put notices in the bead, yarn, fabric, craft shops you frequent because they may be a good source for the clientele you need. I would also advertise the sale on Craigslist and post to all of the online groups where you are a member that allow that kind of posting.
This is exactly what I thought about doing in preparation for my move from PA to WI (Aug 8). But I figured I wouldn’t get much of a turn out. The biggest thing I needed to get rid of was fabric and I gifted that to the Home Ec teacher of an inner city high school – she was mega grateful. So if you want to be a giver – see if there is an art teacher at a school who would love the stuff … it is a joy to give!
I think a yard sale would be less work for you. You wouldn’t have to do all the packaging for shipping plus the buyer would not have to PAY for shipping. I think it may allso bbemore gratifying for you to meet the people who will use your treasures!
Selling online can seem daunting, but if you don’t want to deal with the packing and shipping you could use one of those ebay drop off sites…you get only a part of the high bid, but still your stuff finds a new (and happy) home…that said, I have a neighbor who is just taking over her father’s house and has been using my trash to put things, I am having a wonderful field day finding real treasures in my own trash bin! There is something about just leaving the stuff and letting serendipity happen.
I would definately put it on eBay.. If you have an art sale where you live there may be say 50 people interested…but if you put online there may be 1000’s interested..And have you thought about selling it on your blog?
As much as I would kill to come ogle your art supplies, I think you should have a yard sale. At least if it were me, and I had to get rid of it all quick, I would advertise for several days ahead in the newspaper, as well as Craigslist.com that I am having an art supply sale including…whatever. You will get people who are only looking for these things, and you should get plenty. I would also see if any local stamping clubs would mind mentioning it to their members. For whatever you have left, I might pop loan (for a little $$) your stamps to a club for a fun stamping weekend. Or sell them on ebay. Good luck! Wish I could be there! PS – my sis lives in the DC area. Are you around there? Maybe she can grab me something!!
Oooh goodness, I don’t know because I’m in VA and I would come to the art yard sale. I know about 10 ladies I could bring with me! I also thought what you did before was neat with posting the grouped itmes here and then putting them on ebay. Or maybe do a yard sale here on your blog for locals. Hmmm.
What a quandry!!! I, myself, would love to buy the Classroom Printer but no way can I make it to Maryland. An art sale would seem to be the easiest for you but Ebay (if you have time) would probably net you more cash. SO I guess I would say, if you have the time to pack and ship I would go the ebay route. If not, an art sale would be better. I am only sorry I do not live closer!
I hope this is of some help!
Until later,
Judy N
I think that if you advertised it far and wide, you would have a great turnout for a local sale. I did something on a much smaller scale once and was surprised at the turnout! I think you would even have people show up from out of state if you got the word out. I would probably come from Virginia!
I’d love to see a yard sale! That classroom printer looks awesome!
I definitely think it’s worth it to put it on eBay. The buyer pays the shipping anyway, so they know in advance what they’re getting into. (Let me know – I’ll be bidding on the Classroom Printer, despite the shipping cost!)
Oooo, what a yard sale that would be! However, since I live on the Central Coast of California, Maryland’s a bit far to come. E-bay sounds like a great idea for those of us far away, but not such a great idea for you since it entails all the packing (which you are probably very tired of!) and shipping, to say nothing of posting in the first place. Whatever your decision you will make dozens of fellow artists very happy.
Erin in Morro Bay