A New Online Class from Lesley Riley

Whether your background is in fabric and quilting, or paper and collage, or even if you’re new to both, you will find that Fragment Fabric Collage is a fun and liberating way to create. The charm and appeal of Fragments comes from the spontaneous way they are created – there is no measuring, no cutting mistakes and no messy glue.
With fabric, you have an almost endless variety of color and pattern to choose from that can spark ideas and lead you to discover a whole new way of looking at fabric. If you don’t have a large fabric stash, the beauty of making Fragments is that you only need little scraps or fragments of even the most expensive cloth. Thrift shops, your own closet, basement or attic and your friends are goldmines.
I try never to plan a Fragment ahead of time. It seems the harder I try, the less successful it is. By ignoring all the old rules and letting unexpected combinations in color, pattern and scale occur, you can bring a freshness and magic to your art.

I say break all the rules, but there are two rules that I employ religiously – proportion and balance. You can get almost any fabrics to work together using these two principles of design. The secret is in how much of each one you use. Sometimes just a sliver of an unexpected color can make the whole Fragment sing. You want to give the eye something to bounce off of and hold the viewers interest.
Most of my Fragments have a human face as the focal point. We humans will ALWAYS look at another face before anything else. It’s your job to get the eye to travel around the piece by creating other areas of interest. If you choose to use text, in the form of a word or a quotation, that will be the second thing that will capture the viewers attention. But a face and a few words will still not capture anyone’s attention for long.
Fabric is a part of our lives from beginning to end and when we create art with fabric, we can live on through our fabric creations. Certain fabrics also have deep connotations for us such as schoolgirl plaids, vintage kitchen dishtowels, antique lace collars and crisp white linen. While I choose my fabrics at random, I always try to create a mood, a memory or evoke a time or a place. Keep this in mind when you work. Does this fabric remind you of Victorian parlor wallpaper, a spring garden or a summer beach? What image would compliment the fabric? What fabric would enhance the message in the image you have chosen?
What still amazes me is how an image can be interpreted in so many different ways by the fabric you choose… or the words you choose for your quote. A young girl’s face can look dreamy or determined depending on the message in the quote. A background of schoolgirl plaid can reinforce that message of determination, while rich brocade will set you to dreaming along with the woman in the photo.
With this class you will:
- Have lifetime access to 3 downloadable videos with over 100 minutes of instruction
- work at your own pace on your own schedule
- Receive thorough instruction on TAP image transfers
- Watch me make my fabric selections
- Listen to how and why I arrive at my fabric and design decisions
- Learn about composition, scale, balance and color
- Discover how to use image, words and fabric to tell and enhance a story
- Receive clear instructions on optional machine stitching your Fragment
- Identify what makes a fabric collage sing
- Get all my insider tips and tricks
- Have fun playing with your fabric
- Join (optional) the class FB group for Q&A with Lesley and sharing your work with other students
And it's just $35
Please feel free to email me anytime (Lesley@LesleyRiley.com), whether it’s a technical question, you want to know if this class is right for you or you just need some friendly words of encouragement as you stretch your artist wings.
Hi! I'm Lesley Riley and I'm a fabriholic. I never set out to be a full-time, professional artist. I just followed my passion in the small blocks of time I carved out while raising six children. Now, as an internationally known instructor and multi-media artist, I work in botanical printing, mixed and digital media, paint and of course, fabric.
In 1999 I turned my initial passion for fabric, photos, color and the written word into a dream occupassion that continues to delight and inspire creatives and art lovers everywhere. A quilter since 1971, I have an extensive background in using color and pattern to create innovative art quilts, fabric collage and modern botanical prints.
I've written several books and articles and have been a guest on several episodes of Quilting Arts TV, profiled on The Quilt Show and am an educator for Golden Artist Colors. My line of botanical inspired fabric is licensed with Northcott Fabrics. As a workshop instructor, I focus on motivating, inspiring and empowering my students to take their creative life into their own hands, while encouraging you to take risks, think outside the box and break rules. My emphasis is on understanding composition and using techniques and materials to discover and enhance your own creativity and unique voice.