Maybe you've already seen this on Ms Quilting Arts, Pokey Bolton's blog. Maybe you already did and want to watch it again. It was the Saturday night Make It University Surviving the Runway 80s Style challenge and we all got quite carried away. I served as the "Tim Gunn" for the group, "Make it work!" See what lengths art quilter Kathy York was willing to go to to make it work…and WIN!
The rest of the week was pretty tame in comparison. We had an amazing time at the QuiltArt reception that Karey Bresenhan throws for us each year (thank you, Karey). Here we are taking pictures of each other taking pictures. We quilters really know how to liven up a Halloween Friday night in Houston. Here's Judy Coates Perez.
And Jamie Fingal in full Halloween regalia.
Quilting Arts TV star, Pokey Bolton with Goddess of the Last Minute, Robbie Joy Eklow.
On Tuesda, the down day between Market & Festival, my partner in crime and I took off to see Kim Ritter's new studio in the Houston Center for Contemporary Craft. Kim was gracious enough to supply the missing C for the photo.
I taught 3 classes and gave one lecture on Transfers and sold out all the TAP I shipped to Houston. Oh and not to forget the Make It University class I taught Friday morning – a surface design sampler using Claudine Hellmuth's new STUDIO line.
There's Shona in the left corner. Check out her blog to see how she turned her squares into a gorgeous book. After that, i flew back up to resume my dye painting class with Hollis Chatelain. Yes, I had double booked myself, forgetting that I had registered for her class oh so many months ago, way before I even knew I'd be moving I think.
Painting with thickened dye is a whole different animal from painting with acrylics. I didn't get anywhere near finished my piece, but a learned so much, and have so much more to learn, but it's learning I'm excited about. It's part of the master plan, the abstract painting, the dye painting and the precision color mixing dye class with Carol Soderlund next June. All that and so much more…
Let me close with Miss Riley Crawford's reaction when informed of Election night results
Just wanted to say I just love your book, Fabulous fabric Art with lutradur. I purchased it from amazon, and i even left a review which i rarely ever do. just on question I wanted to buy a bigger piece, are there different weights to the lutradur,and what is the best to use.
Hey Leslie, that is funny I got caught in a photo. I am so glad I got to take your class, it was a fun way to begin my quilt fest day. I was impressed how you guided us through so many techniques so quickly, like a whirlwind. Thank you 🙂
Hey I never got my TAPs demo! I guess when Project Runway duty calls one must answer. Are you going to be in Chicago so I can get my demo there?
It is so funny how we have this thing about taking pictures of each other taking pictures, lol.
Lesley, I’m sorry I missed you in Houston! But I’m glad you got to the HCCC to see Kim’s Artist-in-Residence studio … did you see our “Unifying Threads” fiber-art show while you were there? It looks like you had a lot of fun … maybe we’ll catch up next year!
Love seeing all the pictures from Houston! Thanks for sharing.
Leslie, loved you commentary and pictures of Houston. I hope you will be teaching in Chicago in April.