I made this tiny paper doll in a class with The Oiseaux Sisters back in May 2006. It’s one of my most cherished pieces. I wrote in my blog post that the weekend was “a chance to explore, to renew, to discover and to refill.” Do you ever take a class or have a weekend getaway and feel that something is shifting inside of you? An interior shift making space for your new awareness, fresh insight, personal growth?
That’s how I feel now – like something is changing and morphing. Oh I look the same, but inside I feel fresh and new. There is excitement, anticipation, eagerness and suspense waiting to see what will come of it.
How will I articulate it? Will there be a visible shift in my artwork? Will people close to me notice a new calmer presence? Most of all…will it last?
I know these things are gradual. I know that any difference may be imperceptible. But the egg is now in the nest and something wonderful is about to be hatched.
It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad.~ C.S. Lewis
Love reading about your journey to a more focused, present moment awareness. I strive for that as well….some days more successfully than others……but it is a goal well worth pursuing.