I have the 1971 Ram Dass book “Be Here Now”. I don’t remember when I got it, sometime in the 80s I think. To be honest, I bought it because the text font was hand stamped. I won’t lie. I didn’t even get the meaning of the title and I skimmed rushed through the book, never really reading it.
Be Here Now is now my daily mantra. When I find myself spiraling out of the present moment I whisper in my hear, “Be here now, be here now.” I substitute it when I find myself pondering the past or worrying about (and even anticipating) the future. It has a calming effect on me and pulls me back into the moment, into present time, Because that’s all we have, really. This moment right now.
And now.
I had to go search through my decades old, uncategorized and organized book collection to find my copy it. I will mindfully read it again and absorb it’s wisdom from my older and wiser state. It took a new, present moment look at it to realize that the title is actually, “Remember Be Here Now”.
That makes perfect sense to me…now. Because I have to go through my day remembering to be here now.
My goal is to not have to remember. The only way to reach that goal is to constantly be in present time.
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Ram Das is an amazing man. Oprah interviewed him recently on Super Sul Sunday. Wanted to sell everything and runaway to Maui to study with him. She also interviewed Michael Singer about The Untethered Soul on another Sunday. Great men!
Darn! I wish I could see the Michael Singer interview.
Thanks, Margaret!