It's available everywhere. Have you seen it yet? I've been drooliong over my copy for a while now. It's the latest, greatest book on the market and today we have the amazing author and Quilting Arts/Cloth Paper Scissors editor, Cate Prato herself making a guest appearance here at Art Heart. Today it's my turn to interview the queen of interviewers.
Me: Since a lot of the other artists you have visited on your blog tour have asked you questions about self-portraiture, I'd like to take a different approach. You are an extremely experienced and talented writer. This is your first book. Congratulations! How did the process of writing a book differ from writing articles?
Cate: Writing a book takes a l-o-o-o-o-t longer! I began my writing career in daily journalism and have been in magazines nearly five years, so I’m used to writing something about 800 words and then moving on. It’s just kind of overwhelming to sit down with an outline and think, “Oh my gosh, I have to fill 128 pages!” However, unlike a novel or non-fiction book on which I’d be the sole contributor, I had the 23 other artists to provide content. And even the parts that were solely my responsibility could be written in chunks. Breaking it down into pieces made it easier and kept the process interesting.
Me: Was there something about writing a book, or this book in particular, that you found to be a challenge even though you are a seasoned writer?
Cate: Well, I would say the major strength of the book also posed the greatest challenge: There were 23 artists each submitting a different piece of art and, in many cases, a different kind of writing—from essays, to how-tos, to journal entries, and so on—and I had to pull all of that together. On the one hand, my experience in writing and editing helped me organize all that and write the introductions, transitions, and sidebars that would make the book a cohesive whole. But, keeping track of 23 artists and their works, bios, headshots, sidebars, deadlines, photo releases, and questions was a daunting task. I still can’t believe it all got done.
Me: How did YOUR idea of self-portraiture change as the writing process progressed?
Cate: The deeper I got into the book, the more I realized how transformative making a self-portrait could be. It’s not just a visual process. Even if it’s done tongue-in-cheek, making a self-portrait makes you realize some truths about yourself.
Me: Women authors I have talked with say writing a book is like birthing a baby – perhaps because they both take about nine months and produce suffering and joy. I have 6 children and 3 books (Quilted Memories: Journaling, Scrapbooking & Creating Keepsakes with Fabric , Fabric Memory Books: Techniques, Projects, Inspiration
,and coming in January,Fabulous Fabric Art with Lutradur(r): For Quilting, Papercrafts, Mixed Media Art 27 Techniques & 14 Projects Revolutionize Your Craft Experience!
) so I know from whence I speak. Both are a beauty to behold, a lasting legacy. Both may present a post – partum and published – letdown. What are your thoughts?
Cate: I completely agree with the birthing metaphor. “Transition,” when the book is almost ready to go to press but there are a lot of last-minute details to work out and mistakes to correct, was the hardest part; that’s when I could have used an epidural! Since the book was published, though, I haven’t felt any letdown. At least not yet. I’m still in the “Isn’t my baby pretty?” phase, where people are complimenting me and the “child,” and I’ve forgotten the pain entirely. Also, with a book, there’s no post-partum sleep-deprivation.
Me: I think the best thing about your book is the variety of amazing and talented artists you gathered together and the variety of self-expression they presented. How are you going to top this? Is there another book idea whispering sweet nothings in your ear?
Cate: Thank you. I agree that the quality of the artists and the variety of art they created is the best thing about the book. I would definitely like to do another book, but I haven’t settled on a topic yet. If you have any ideas, throw them my way. But really, I am so proud of this book. If it’s the only one I produce, I will be very satisfied.
Thanks, Cate! Now if you have read this far, you can make a blog comment and enter to
win a autographed copy of the book!
Post a comment telling us why you think you are qualified to win (humour a plus) and post by 12 noon Saturday, November 8th and you may be the lucky winner! The winner will be determined by a random number draw, but there might be something extra awarded for the most creatively expressed reason.
Here is my self-portrait from the book. It's a fractured or tiled mosiac tiled type portrait I did by cutting up an 8"x8" transfer of my photo. Believe it or not, I'm one of the few that used her face in their self portrait. Sometimes I'm just so literal. Thankfully there are other creative types in this book who expand the definition of self-portraiture. For a sneak peak inside the book, visit Mixed-Media Self-Portraits: Inspiration & Techniques at Amazon.
Now if you're still with me, I promise my Houston Quilt Festival report within the next day or two. I just returned home last night at 11:30 pm and between the exhaustion, the time zone change and the daylight savings time change, my internal clock with a bit skewed.
I would love to win this book and I deserve it because I have no idea how to go about maing a self-portrait so I NEED inspiration and I reckon Cate’s book will be the best possible source! Besides, it’ll look fabulous on my coffee table… ;-]
Oh my, Lesley, I LOVE your self portrait. Mosaics are such a creative way to express yourself – and the florals and numbers top it off nicely. You are always such an inspiration to me. Thanks!
Since I am on the other side of the world I realize two important things:
1- dont know what time it is by you so I may be horribly late to coment….
2- there is a minimun chance that I may get this lovely book in Argentina so…..
I hope to get lucky on this give away!!!
My hair started turning gray when I was 19 years old. I turned 50 in June. I have been dying my hair for more than 2 decades! I want to stop dying my hair… EBRACE THE GRAY. Gray is beautiful, I need inspiration to create a self portrait of the me that will be gray…. sell your stock in Clairol, Revlon and Garnier. Buy stock in gray. Aging happens, love life.
I need books like that. I love learning. Your site is wonderful! I’ve enjoyed reading. HUGS, Judy B
Of all the myriad “art things” I do, self portrature is not one of them. Am I afraid of myself? Perhaps. Well, I think it may be time to delve into this deep question. Gosh, If I had a copy of that book, it might help me along to the path of self-discovery and into a new path of art creation. YES, enter me in the drawing, please.
Pati B.
Have put this on my Christmas list! Would love to win one. 🙂
Hi Leslie! I would love to win a copy of this book. I am one of those people who tries occasionally to get a half way decent picture of myself to put on my blog, but they are always HORRIBLE, unlike my daughter who sticks her arm out with a camera on the end and poses away and gets the most beautiful shots of herself!
Thanks for the opportunity!
Wonderful inspiration…a self portrait would be hard for me since I am always behind the camera but maybe a fractured one. I love what you did with yours!
I’m such a book fiend and I’m sure this one would find itself right at home with my other inspiring books!
I would love a copy of this book but after reading all the comments I think if my entry was picked I would have to donate it to the commenter who has survived small cell lung cancer. I will buy my own copy
I’d dye for this book! I’d love to have it.
I would like to draw something other than with fur in my work! I love drawing animals, but what a challenge it would be to draw myself! “To thine own self be true.” Thanks!
I have been intrigued in the last month with self portraits after I found one my mom did of herself in one ofher books on learning to draw from the right side of the brain. she died this summer and it was such an incredible suprise to find a self portrait tucked away inthe book. She hated portraits as it was how she supported herself between divorce and remarriage. I would love to explore this book and work on mom’s sketch and add it to mine in a creative way. Dad would get a hoot out of it!
God Bless and Have a great day everyone!
First let me say beautiful blog! I would love to be able to explore this book especially at this point in time of my life. I am struggling daily with the way I look, no hair, no eyelashes, no eyebrows. I would like to see myself the way others seem to see me. The other part of me would like to see “me” and the way I looked just a few short months ago. One thing I have learned is that you don’t know what you have until it is gone. Even if I don’t get the lucky number it is worth posting this comment so that others may learn. Much love and appreciation pretty lady.
I would like to draw something other than with fur in my work! I love drawing animals, but what a challenge it would be to draw myself! “To thine own self be true.” Thanks!
Wow, Everyone has a great reason for wanting or needing this book. When I first heard of it I jotted it down to check into. I am in my own art lately visiting my childhood and have recently painted my 3 sisters as children and my next painting is me at around 7 years old, so self portrait is something I feel I will be doing more of as I am getting a great satisfaction from what I am drawn to right now. Now another reason for the book is my teaching of art to adults with developmental disabilities. This past semester I used Marc Chagall’s “I and the Village” and had them recreate their own version. They had a hard time with the multi imaging and different sizes on one canvas telling a story but they did pretty good. When I heard about this book I thought it would be great inspiration to them for another project that contiues the embracing of themselves. Thanks for your lovely blog and inspiration and giveaways. Deborah
My mind is not functioning very well right now but I really want to enter the draw as I have this book on my wish list big time! Love your self-portrait and I can really relate to the fractured bit! That is me to a “T”!
PS You always look so calm and so serene – it amazes me!
why do I qualify to win this book?
Well, for one I live in Spain, which is a barren wasteland when it comes to finding books and publications on the topic of mixed media, much less being forced to read them in Spanish. Added is the heavily unattractive prospect of international postage for any books ordered online (even amazon uk)…SO Hélas!, I am starved for books in English on Mixed Media work (I beg anyone I know going overseas to bring me back copies of “Cloth, Paper, Scissors”. It’s one of my favourite sources of learning and inspiration). So winning a copy of this book would make my day, week and month. Cheers and thanks for the give-away!
Howdy hidey ho
to my house that
book must go
come to me
little bookie
so that i can see
how I lookie
Okay that is humorous right? or just sad –isn’t it obvious that I need creative inspiration???
Great interview and beautiful self portrait, but are you feeling fractured or in pieces?
Or is a picture just a picture, Dr. Freud?
i need the book to help me figure out why i suddenly have all of these hearts showing up in my art. i think that all art is a self portrait in one way or another, but this is really confusing me as i am not a hearts & flowers sort of gal- maybe a more conscious approach would help me figure this out? or maybe it’s just cuz i can’t draw….which is why mixed media is a good thing… at any rate “choose me”
My reason to want the book? Cause it looks like a lot of fun, and I can use some fun!
Once upon a time, there was a woman who flunked out of college while majoring in ART. “No talent for drawing or painting” was a major contributor. But the artistic bug never quite went away, and now I’m trying to apply it to quilting. Painting with fabric is ever so much easier than using brushes or charcoal. I’d love the opportunity to stretch my skills through your book. And by the way – the fractured portrait was wonderful – I teach a class using fractured commercial fabrics that come out looking similar to yours, but not quite the same. Hoping to hear my name as the winner soon!!
an imprint of our legacy, a journey into our soul, a self protrait if our unique dance of life.
We are working with at-risk kids, teaching them to express themselves through fiber art. The projects so far have been described as Violently Mellow. The book would be a huge help, since we’re essentially winging it!
I’d love to have a copy of this book——for no other reason than I’m a Gemini. I’d need to make two portraits and would definitely welcome the help this book would provide.
Thank you,
Love the idea of self portraits. I was inspired to do one on my blog, just a photo tho…
A portrait of moi?
Ha Ha Ha!
Don’t know how to make it fly.
Pick my name and I will try!
My friend has the book and I drooled over it when I saw her on Thursday. Would absolutely love to win this book. Thanks.
Ohhhhhhhhh… a self-portrait! I’ve never thought about creating an image of myself! It gives me pause to think about how I would portray myself in a visual creation, and ohhhhhhh… it’s coming to me now…. my FIRST SELF-PORTRAIT!!! Amongst a field of confetti, I am jumping for joy as I learn that I have won this drawing!!! This jump-start into inspiration is just what I need!!! Thank you Lesley Riley!
My first self portrit encorporated the sashing of a window to cover my nose cause I cound not get it right…
Hopeless in PA
HI Lesley,i would like a copy that book of yours to celebrate the artwork of a online art pal Linda Wyatt and her grotwh as a fibre arting woman. we met in a postcard exchange and challenged ourselves and sent self potraits all over the nation. mahola in advance, Sonja
Oh, this looks like a wonderful book – and, yes, I have a horrible time using my picture or doing any sort of self-portrait – this book would surely help! The interview is great! Jamie V in MT
I haven’t done a self portrait yet and really need insiration. This is all new for me.
I need this book to share with my artrageous textile group of 100 people. Most of us buy our own books, but we all like to see them first and there is no way this book would appear in Tasmanian shops unless there was a mass demand.
I would devour this book like a wolf on a hunt. Since I am a Scorpio, much is hidden so well even I don’t know it. What a fun looking book to hunt with! Loved your separated “you squared” picture for your self portrait. I think I will see how I look mixed up liked that. Fun blog you have! Lyn
Why I should win?????
Because life is too, too sweet not to AND……
I’ve been chomping at the bit to get my little hands on that book and here it is, a contest…for the SAME BOOK!!! How way cool!
Thanks Leslie for thinking of us.
Having turned 50 last year the idea of self portraiture is very intriguing on many levels. Just looking at the cover of this book and reading about what’s inside fills me with inspiration. I NEED this book! I would love this book.
Just about had myself convinced that I didn’t need this book. I buy waaay too many books. There are others more deserving of it, but now you’ve convinced me that I must have it. When I don’t win, I’ll have to actually buy it. lol. Thanks for the push.
This book would definitely make slogging through snowdrifts to the mailbox a worthwhile trip.
I have wondered about this book, have thought about ordering it. It’s great to see more of your work in it.
What a good idea! We’ve been working with a group of kids, trying to get them to express themselves with fiber in a free-form way; would love to have this book as a resource. I’ll hold my breath…
That book looks perfect for me since I know nothing about this subject and can use all the help I can get.
Hi Lesley,
Something about turning 50 this month…turning another corner in life. I have been working through the issues of aging: menopause, wrinkles, aches and pains, graying, etc. I think it would be a good exercise for me to use the book to make a self portrait that can reflect where I’ve been, where I am, where I’m going-as well as who I am throughout all of it (like a fine wine, better with age, right?)
Thanks for the opportunity!
Sue Kaufman
New territory for me, well worth exploring following such talent! Please count me in.
What a great give away. Count me in. Thanks.
My sister and I did a combined self portrait and it was SCARY. Should have been done for Halloween.
I think we need the help! I have seen this book on several sites. I do believe it is a ‘must have’.
Hope you pick me!
Leslie, I loved your class in Houston and feel more confident about transfering and playing more. This has been a tough year for me with health problems for my parents and my son, but somehow I have persevered and feel the need to express the true inner self, which is who knows what. I would love to win this and promise to do a self portrait if I win. Deb
Oh, my gosh, I would love this book!
Lesley I think you did a great job with the interview…it kept my attention clear to the end. I love your self portrait form the book…how exciting to be able to interview “The Author”. I will have to get a copy of the book, well I mean if I don’t win a copy…lol.
OOOOOOOO! I hope I win. Pick me; pick me; pick me. I have done several self-portraits. My first one looked like my mother!!!!
I like YOUR self-portrait.
I read the whole article (as I do all of your blog entries!) and oh boy, would I love to win the book. (Merry Christmas to meeeee!) 🙂
Why I Deserve to Win
by Joanie Hoffman
North Beach is my home
(I never want to roam)
Postage won’t be dear
If you send the book here.
Happy days,
Saw the book while at Festival, but was too busy teaching or working the booth to get a chance to really peruse it. Would love the chance to win one!
I have been working on a “self-portrait” for almost 6 months and while it is not a photo rendition, I think it does convey the essence of ME. I would love to have a hard copy of the essence of everyone else. Oh, yeah, no one would want to constantly look at me.
Love the fractured portrait. I, too, have been drooling over this book, but with my spending habits this past couple months, I need to wait, maybe, until Santa can take pity on me.
I have been trying to work on spontaneous portrait drawing though, and really enjoyed a session with Judy Wise recently in Cedarburg, WI.
Hugs! Hope to see you soon.
I can’t even stand having a picture taken of myself and my husband has a glorious knack of finding the most unflattering angles! Hair flying all about, mouth open, eyes blinking. . . Now he is teaching my daughter how to use a camera. Mind you, she is only 7 so you can imagine the pictures she takes looking up into my nostrils – giving me a large body and small head. This book may help me create a more flattering version of myself without it being that realistic. I have this book on my wish list! Thanks for the chance!
A self portrait? portrait of me?
I wonder just who would that be.
Could the book teach finding “my” aplomb?
The mirror just shows me my Mom!
Haven’t seen you in a LONG time since I took a class with you WAY BACK when… LOL I haven’t been taking classes out of state for years now. I should win the book so that I can finally SEE who I am!! I know who I am, but need to SEE. Love your mosaic Leslie and that’s a side of you I also see – a woman, Mom, artist, wife and on and on and on…
It was such a pleasure to meet you at Quilt Festival, even if it was just for a few minutes as we raced in opposite directions to teach classes!
I’d love to own a SIGNED copy of the self-portrait book!!
Congratulations on another fabulous book—and the new TAP!
Best regards,
Beth Wheeler
What a fabulous collection of artists – doing one of my favorite things – self-portraits! I love to see the variety of perspectives which artists choose when projecting their own self-portraits. I can’t wait to look at the examples included in this book.
This looks like a fabulous book. I would love to win this. Thanks for the chance!
A self portrait!! I have no idea
what I look like these days…
I am in need of “rediscovery”
Throw my “portrait” into the hat please!
Learning about what’s on the outside of an artist is but a tiny peek at who she may be on the inside. I may be one of those people who is better shown inside out (but that’s another book, I think)!
Pick me, Pick me!!! Please 🙂
Learning about what’s on the outside of an artist is but a tiny peek at who she may be on the inside. I may be one of those people who is better shown inside out (but that’s another book, I think)!
Pick me, Pick me!!! Please 🙂
Learning about what’s on the outside of an artist is but a tiny peek at who she may be on the inside. I may be one of those people who is better shown inside out (but that’s another book, I think)!
Pick me, Pick me!!! Please 🙂
Learning about what’s on the outside of an artist is but a tiny peek at who she may be on the inside. I may be one of those people who is better shown inside out (but that’s another book, I think)!
Pick me, Pick me!!! Please 🙂
I think it would be great to get this book. This is election day, if things go my way, winning the book would be a great way to celebrate and if things go wrong, it would be consoling to “win” something this week.
Erin in Morro Bay
I am in a 3 year remission with small cell lung cancer (15 percent survival rate at 3 yrs). I’d like the book to see if my self portrait has actually become more “me” through these troubled but sometimes amusing years. (with a combo of chemo, chest radiation, and brain radiation, I’ve had no hair, gray short hair, bald spots, and now…brown frizzy hair that seems to change daily) At first I was horrified but now I just wake up and laugh, deciding if its a water day, hairspray day, goop day, or a go natural. Thank God, myself seems a bit more steady then what’s on my head!
Hi Leslie! I love how you did the fractureeed self -portrait!!
self portrait? I need this book for some ideas on how to express all of who I am into a cohesive presentation.
Lesley, I like your contribution to the book.
Portraits of any kind scare me! I’m afraid of drawing faces. When I studied costume design, all of my renderings/models were faceless. With this book, I won’t have to fear that my self-portrait will be She-with-no-face or she-who-was-too-scared-to-show-her face.
Thanks for the great interview!
I would love to have a copy of this book. As the 8th of 14 children, I was never sure “who” I was, and now that I am grown with children and grandchildren of my own, I am the photographer so am seldom in the picture.
The drawing on my blog is an attempt at a “literal” self portrait. Interestingly, no one except my 5 year old granddaughter knew who it was when they looked at the drawing.
I NEED this book because I am one of those people who doesn’t like to have my photo taken, and when I tried to do a portrait once, it ended up in the garbage!!!
THANK YOU for the chance…