This post is brought to you by the gentle nudging of a faithful reader, Laura Lea, who wrote today, “I just am writing to say I’ve missed your blog and sending my best wishes to you. I do this every so often when you cocoon or retreat.” (Thanks, Laura Lea)
I WISH I was cocooning or retreating. It’s simply a case of biting off more than one woman can chew and having it come back to bite me in the a$#. Oops, did I say that? I am sure you can relate. It’s not uncommon, that I do know.
Part of me thinks I don’t work as fast as I used to because I am older now than I was 10 years ago when I started all this, but naw – that’s not it – because I’m not old! I truly have taken on too much over the past few months. It’s all good, but I am constantly on the go from one thing to the next:
2 online creativity coaching classes + homework
coaching several artists
writing another book for C&T
family, family, family
and a trip to LA to meet with my new coach and mentor..
There are lots of changes here in what used to be called LaLasLand (my first website). The big news is that, as of June 1st, my publisher, C&T, will be handling all the packaging and distribution of TAP. It will have a whole new (more professional) look but will be the same wonderful product we all love. I’m still taking orders through my website up until May 31st. Last chance to support your fellow artist!
It has been exciting to introduce a product to the world and grow a business. I’ve had customers from as far away as Greece, Australia and Denmark and have been introduced to many, many wonderful, talented people along the way. It’s also exciting to turn over the keys to the business, so to speak, and follow my heart to the next big adventure. The more I learn, the more I want to share with you. I’m bursting with excitement over my new path, but am just not ready to share it all quite yet. I hope you will bear with me a little longer while I get it polished, packaged and perfected.
I’m an artist and as you well know, an artist doesn’t like to show her work until it’s done. Nor would I want to offer anything half-a$#ed (there’s that word again!) to all of you who have come to know and trust me. I hate not telling you all about it right now, but like I said, I don’t show unfinished art.
Let me just say this…
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
What I am doing is scary. It’s taking a leap and having faith that you’ll have a safe landing. It’s trusting my gut. It’s doing it because I have to, in the same way that I have to make art. Ten years ago, when I ‘went public’ with my art and began teaching, it was because I felt what Anais Nin felt – “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” I’m at that juncture again. The plant keeps growing. New buds have formed and it’s time to blossom again.
Have you taken a scary leap too? Will you be there for me as I take my next step, this humongous leap? I’d love to hear your story or comment.
Lesley, your granddaughter is so precious and guess what. . I just found out we have another G-child on the way!!! We all wait to hear what your new amazing adventure will be and just hope we are fortunate to go along for the ride! I remember when you were just starting out with LaLas Land and like Randi, you give us more mature girls the hope that we too still have the possibility of reaching that carrot thats been hanging out and over us all these years, seemingly just out of reach! We wanna come along for the ride ;~)
Oh, Lesley! I just read your newsletter & I’m soooo excited for you & what this means to the creative community (& me!)!!! You know we’re all behind you & support you & can’t wait to “see” you on the radio! 😉 & can’t wait to hear more about your Artist Success adventure. You are truly an inspiration!
There is actually a theory that states you should bite off just a little more than you can chew, take on just a little more than you can handle. Reach, stretch!
And, I have those shoes, too. They are really comfortable. In green. Fun!
Have a good summer!
Well, cocooning is happening even if you’re too busy to realize it- you see you are going to emerge as something new and beautiful! The wings are growing inside. All you have been doing is feeding that growth. Good for you!
Didn’t know I’d inspired a posting. Remember to stop and breathe. I can’t wait to see what you’re up to.
Here I thought you were lounging in the south of France or some other exotic locale! I am so glad Laura Lee nudged you, because you have been missed! I am jumping off a cliff with you. I am trying to teach myself to paint. I have wanted to try for years, but I remember hours spent around with my Gram and cousin painting and hearing my Gram say, “well at least you can sew.” LOL! I can laugh about it now, but to a 10 year old, I was crushed! So I am dipping the brush into the paint and seeing what happens.
Leslie, I am glad Laura Lea gave you a nudge as I’ve missed hearing from you, too. I am glad you are so excited about your new endeavors. When you are on the right path, the Universal Flow carries you along. I can’t wait to hear all about it! In spite of being super busy, please leave a teensy note once in a while just to say you are fine and all is going well. Love the photo of your granddaughter and YOUR new photo. You look awesome, girl.
I can relate to the idea of not knowing where you’re going to land, but having to get out of the boat, anyway, Lesley. Looking forward to following the new adventure as it unfolds here on the blog.
I found your work on the Internet a couple of years ago, on Hearts Art (sp?)then discovered that you were involved with Cloth Paper Scissors, along with other artists I’m discovering through my subscription there.
It was a search through the magazine’s cumulative index that got me started looking for CPS artists on the Internet this evening.
For me, the current challenge is learning to sew on a machine and by hand. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for years but was afraid to try, until a friend of mine died and another friend suggested we work on a quilt together.
I’m really excited for you. I’m only a few years older than you and I think “If Lesley can do it, I can too.” I don’t know yet what “it” is for you, but I’m at the point of thinking about maybe possibly selling some things at an art fair, which seems like a big leap for me though not in the same league as what you’re taking on. I absolutely know you will be successful but I’m not downplaying the pre-production jitters either. Can’t wait to read all about it in your blog.
I, too, have been with you for a long time – even when your Mom was still with you. I was the lucky winner of your Fabulous Fabric Art with Lutradur – a book I have just loved.
So it is nice to see you back among the blogging; but don’t wear yourself out.
The baby is just beautiful….*S*
Best of luck as you start down a new path…….
….Annie in Chicago