Bob Schieffer, host of Face the Nation, the show I don’t watch that follows the one I do, Sunday Morning, called this the ‘week from hell and back’ for out nation. “Yes,” I thought, “another reminder that the universe is so much bigger, so much more complex, than my own little world here on the farm. […]
Sometimes You Just Have to Let Go
Some of you may have been following my progress to be in the present moment for the last few weeks. Knowing that it takes at least a month to create a new habit, I wanted to hold myself accountable by blogging about my efforts.Things went really well for 24 days and then the Universe/God decided to test my […]
Present Time Post #15
I became aware of something new today. When you give yourself and your attention to another, there is only present time. Asking “How can I help, how can I be here for you?” places you instantly present in the moment. When your attention is fully on helping another, you get out of your head and […]
Present TIme Post #11
dancing in the sunlight Children only know how to live in the now. The have a hard time waiting for anything because all they know is NOW. They are quick to forgive and forget because now is all that matters. They don’t understand hurry. It is all about what is happening right now. They don’t […]
Present Time Post #5
Anyone who has ever travelled to teach or take a class knows what it’s like the day before you leave: hunting, gathering, last minute items to pick up, ziploc bags, stapling, notes to the TSA, printing out itineraries, checking in online! (gotta go do that right now – BRB!) OK, so where was I? […]
Odd Bird Sighting Down Under
Let’s see if I remember how to do this. I’ve been so busy over at Artist Success that I have woefully neglected this blog. I apologize. I am full of good intentions but well….you understand. Your life is probably as busy as my own. Somehow the things we have to do expand into whatever time […]
When you get to a certain age, the word sweetheart takes on a whole new meaning. Don’t get me wrong, my husband of 40 years is still #1 in my book. Always has been, always will be. But when I think of the word sweetheart, it’s these faces that come to mind. We gathered together last night […]
Are You Pretty?
It’s pretty powerful. Are you ready? Rated R for language What do you think? Let’s talk.
On a Lighter Note
The time for snuggling up with a good book is upon us. So is gift-giving time. So I thought I’d share some of my new book finds. Winners all. I belong to the Book-a-Day Club. It’s another, but not-so-secret secret (see post below). I admit it only when someone else fesses up to being a […]
Thank Laura Lea for This Post
This post is brought to you by the gentle nudging of a faithful reader, Laura Lea, who wrote today, “I just am writing to say I’ve missed your blog and sending my best wishes to you. I do this every so often when you cocoon or retreat.” (Thanks, Laura Lea) I WISH I was cocooning […]